Thursday 18 November 2010

Old Brain's Party Plan

Dad was quite chatty this morning. While i was feeding him breakfast he quietly said "Old Brain" I'm not sure what exactly that meant but he nodded and raised an eyebrow very seriously, as if it was something wise i should take note of. During the morning, when Mum was out collecting another prescription and i was sitting here dealing with work emails, Dad suddenly said "We'll have to make sure someone is responsible for drinks" I thought 'eh?' and asked which drinks. Dad told me we were having a party on Saturday and my brother should be in charge of the drinks. This was news to me (and Mum!) He hasn't said anything since that, but has just been sitting back in bed staring into nothingness. That 'party' conversation is the nearest any of us has got to having a conversation with Dad in weeks, so although it was meaningless really, it was nice. He has had a few moments of absence today where he has stared straight through me while i spoke to him and waved in front of him. I've also noticed that his right hand has jerked around on two separate occasions, like a local seizure of the hand alone and only lasting 10 seconds. It was especially obvious as his hand was flapping against today's newspaper. He is snoozing now. Drug-wise, yesterday we increased Dad's dose of morphine from three 5ml teaspoons a day to four teaspoons. He seems to be in more pain today again, so i'm not sure at what rate we should increase it, but the community nurse who is coming tomorrow will advise us. Dad is still on 8mg of dexamethasone daily.

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