Thursday 4 November 2010

What's the time Mister Wolf?

Dad's steroids have been increased again and that along with his absence of headaches, on account of the morphine, made him pretty chirpy today. I managed to get him sitting upright, take his medicine and eat a bit of dinner as well as some pudding. Mum made a bit of a breakthrough yesterday. She has been taking Dad meals in bed for the past few days and found he hadn't eaten much or sometimes anything. But yesterday she spoon-fed Dad and found he ate far more. She suspected he was feeling too weak to bother and was desperately worried that the end was very very near. But we now think that the cognitive process of knowing you must lift the food and put it into your mouth was perhaps disrupted. Either way, tonight he fed himself the pudding (yoghurt). Realistically, this could just be down to his increased steroid dose (they increase perkiness and give you a false appetite) but we are very relieved he is eating again (and Mum is glad she didn't manage to starve Dad simply by not helping him to eat the meals!)
Dad is still very muddled. He still refers to the remote control as the 'screwdriver' and is keen to know where it is at all times, even when the television is turned off (and he doesn't want it turned on.) I tease him gently when he says things that make no sense and he laughs at me. When he laughs though he screws his face up as if in pain because his face is less fleshy than it used to be. That has taken some getting used to. The doctor has decided not to proceed with Dad's radiotherapy for the metastasis on his left side. The effects take a while to become apparent and it could bring Dad more discomfort while not guaranteeing any benefit. We have been advised that Dad probably has 'weeks' ahead now rather than 'months' so bringing him extra discomfort at this stage seems unfair.
I chatted with Dad a bit tonight. Knowing his interest in Barbados since we lived there, I told him about hurricane Tomas which has just wreaked havoc in Barbados and which is currently battering St Lucia and on it's way to Haiti. I showed him the coverage of Qantas' A380's engine explosion in today's paper too and he asked if my boyfriend's sister was worried about 'her planes falling out of the sky' She is Australian (like my boyfriend funnily enough) and met Dad when she was here in September (so recently flew to Australia) Maybe that's why he said that? Dad also made an extra effort i noticed, to sound normal when speaking to Grandma on the phone earlier. Dad has these glimpses of himself and of alertness which peep out from behind the fog of confusion from time to time. Which reminds me, he can no longer tell the time. I spotted him looking at his watch earlier and asked him what the time was. His response was to look at his watch again, fold his arms across his chest, announce "I couldn't tell you" and then laugh.

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