Thursday 7 October 2010

The Doctor will see you now

I find Dad's oncologist factual but not very forthcoming with information. I suppose I should not be surprised since melanoma is notoriously unpredictable. Having said that though he gracefully suffers Mum’s & my endless questions and we are grateful that he treats us intelligently and sensitively. At Dad’s most recent appointment on 1st October Dr seemed happy with Dad’s progress after completion of his radiotherapy. He wants Dad weaned off the steroids on account of muscle-wastage concerns, since Dad is quite thin now. For the first time in a long time though, he expressed interest in the metastasis in Dad’s left armpit. Dad will have another full body scan in a fortnight and then they will make a decision on whether to operate or treat with radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Left to its own devices this metastasis would continue to grow and could become uncomfortable and painful. There is also a point at which it becomes too large to remove safely as well as a point at which, if Dad’s health deteriorated, surgery would not be safe (we understand this is due to the effect of anaesthetics on a poorly brain) To us this indicates that Dad’s brain is considered probably to be ‘well’ enough for surgery, as well as, more reassuringly for us, not anticipating anything scary happening suddenly. Mum and I were buoyed up initially by the brain metastases not being the priority for the first time in ages, although we are realistic and understand that may simply mean that everything possible has been done to curb the growth and effect of the brain metastases. We will see Dr again in three weeks; no doubt he is already looking forward to our next interrogation.

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