Wednesday 24 November 2010

Pale and Purple

This morning Dad is breathing very rapidly and his breaths are shallow. He is very warm and clammy and  had some blood in his mouth when i came downstairs; I think he must have had another seizure in the night and bitten his tongue. I've also noticed that although warm, his hands are a ghostly white and his knees look purple, while his shins and feet are a bit pale. The nurse who came this morning washed him and remarked that he did look different from yesterday. Early on the nurses declared what a 'lovely bottom' Dad had, but this morning the nurse found a pressure sore on his bum. So we have put some cream on it, in the hopes it doesn't burst and become even more painful for Dad. He is lying quietly now with the radio on and i am going to light a fire as it is freezing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liv

    Just wanted to say all the Tanswells in Sydney have you your mother and brother in our thoughts and prayers. We understand it must be difficult for everyone at this time - words somehow do not seem appropriate but just wanted to pass onto you all that you are in our thoughts constantly. If it is any consolation I'm typing this note to you from the computer that your mum and dad brought out to Australia for me 2.5 years ago.

    Best wishes and love to all

    Peter Tanswell
